HCG injections are essential to completing your pet’s weight loss program. However, many pet owners forget to give their animals their injections, or give them injections at the wrong time. If you’ve missed a few injections, don’t worry! The effects of HCG will wear off after a few days, so you can catch up by giving your pet their next scheduled shot as soon as you remember. If you forget to give your pet their HCG injections entirely, don’t worry! It’s important to keep your pet on the program as long as possible, so it’s important not to give up. Here are some tips for remembering your pet’s injections so that they don’t go hungry while you’re busy forgetting things:

Record your injections

The first thing to do if you forget to give your pet their injections is to record when you gave them their last HCG shot. This way, you’ll know when to give them their next shot. You can write the date and time of their last HCG shot on a calendar, or you can even record the date and time in an online calendar. This way, you won’t forget again!

Write down what you feed your pet

Another way to keep track of your pet’s diet is to write down what you feed them. You can keep a notebook or journal by your pet’s food bowl, or you can even record it on your phone. This way, you’ll always know what to feed your pet, and you’ll never miss another HCG shot.

Use a tickler file

If you’re really desperate, you can even keep a tickler file by your pet’s food bowl. This is where you can keep a piece of paper and pencil, and as you feed your pet, you can write down the date and time of their next HCG shot. This way, you’ll never forget to give your pet their injections again!

Have a daily reminder

If you’re really struggling to remember to give your pet their injections, you can use a daily reminder. There are many apps and websites that allow you to set reminders for any date and time. Many of these apps also allow you to set reminders for other things, such as your work schedule, or even your exercise routine. This way, you’ll never forget to give your pet their injections again!

Keep your pet’s HCG injections in the same place at all times

Another way to make sure you don’t forget to give your pet their HCG injections is to keep them in the same place at all times. You can keep them in a small container in your fridge, or you can keep them in a small container on your counter. This way, you’ll never forget to give your pet their injections again!


The HCG diet is a great way to lose weight, but it’s important not to forget to give your pet their HCG injections. If you forget to give your pet their injections, they won’t lose any weight, and you may even end up harming them. It’s important to keep your pet on the HCG diet as long as possible, so it’s important not to forget to give your pet their injections.