When you start your HCG diet, you will be given a bottle of injections every day for about two weeks. These injections are responsible for triggering your body to release its stored fat and start using stored energy again. If you forget to take your injections for any reason, you might experience a temporary setback in your weight loss. However, it won’t be permanent. Here are some tips on what you can do if you forget to take your injections for any reason:

Don’t Panic!

It’s easy to panic when you forget to take your injections, especially if you’ve just started the diet and have a lot of weight to lose. However, there are plenty of ways to get around this problem. For example, if you’re travelling and know you’ll be away for a few days, you could take a small bottle of HCG injections with you and keep it in a place where you’ll be able to find it easily. Another option is to keep a small bottle of injections in your car, so you can pop one under your tongue if you get stuck in traffic and forget to take them. There are also apps that can remind you to take your injections, so you don’t have to worry about forgetting them.

Keep a Log

If you forget to take your injections, you might not be able to tell. However, if you keep a log of what you’ve eaten and when you’ve taken your injections, you’ll be able to figure out if you’ve been skipping them. A log can also help you stay on track if you travel a lot and don’t always have access to a fridge or microwave. You can also write down when you’re feeling hungry, so you can take your injections at the right time.

Take Your Doses Later in the Day

If you forget to take your injections because you’re rushing off to work, try taking them later in the day. Your body will still receive the injections and your metabolism will still be triggered. If you forget to take them because you’re feeling rushed, don’t worry. You can take them as soon as you get a chance.

Try a Different Form of HCG

If you forget to take your injections because you don’t have any, you can try a different form of HCG. There are a few different HCG injections available, including injections that you can mix with water, injections that you can drop under your tongue, and injections that you can inject into your skin. If you don’t have any injections, you can order them online, or you can even order them from your doctor.

Take a Break

If you have been trying to lose weight for a while and have failed many times, it’s possible that you are trying to lose too much weight too quickly. If you have been trying to lose weight with HCG injections and have forgotten to take them, you might want to take a break and try something else. If you are trying to lose weight too quickly, your body might not be able to handle the influx of nutrients and will shut down. If you take a break and try again later, your body will be able to handle the stress of the diet and you will be able to lose weight again.


Forgetting to take your HCG injections is a normal part of the diet. However, it can cause a temporary setback in your weight loss if you forget to take them. If you forget to take them, don’t worry! There are many ways to get around this problem, and the diet will continue to work for you. If you forget to take your injections, don’t panic. Keep a log of what you eat, and take your next injections when you’re ready.