If you’re following the HCG diet plan, then you know that you must administer the injections every day at the same time. If you forget to give your child his/her injections on time, you may be worried about how it will affect him/her. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to fix this problem. Let’s take a look at them one by one.

Make a routine out of it

The first thing you can do is make a routine out of it. Make the injections part of your daily routine. For example, you can set your alarm on your phone to ring at the same time every day. This way, you won’t have to think about it. You can also set a reminder on your computer or tablet so that you’ll be reminded of the injections every day.You can also try to make the injections as easy as possible. You can use a different place every day and make the injections an automatic part of your daily routine. For example, you could set a timer for 15 minutes and use the same place every day. You could also set the timer to ring when you need to give the injections. If you want, you could even set the timer to ring when you need to administer the injections to your child.

Write the injections down

Another thing you can do is write the injections down. This way, you’ll always have them with you. This way, you’ll never forget to give the injections. You can write the injections down on a piece of paper or you can keep them in a special place. For example, you can keep them in your car or in a drawer. You can also put them on a sticky note and place it on your fridge or in a drawer. You can even keep them in your phone. You can write the injections down and then set a reminder on your phone to ring every day. If you want, you can also set an alarm on your phone to ring every day.

Record the injections

Another thing you can do is record the injections. This can help you remember the injections. You can write them down as you give them to your child. You can write them down as you draw them from the vial. You can also record the injections on a tape recorder. If you do this, then you can play the tape whenever you need to remember the injections. You can also record the injections on a piece of paper and keep it in a special place.

Find a backup plan

Another thing you can do is find a backup plan. If you forget to give your child his/her injections, then you can give him/her the injections at a later time. If you know that you’ll be busy and can’t give the injections on time, then you can give them at another time. You can give your child the injections later in the day. You can also give him/her the injections later in the week. You can even give him/her the injections later in the month if you want to. This way, you’ll be sure that your child gets his/her injections.

Contact the doctor and ask for advice

Another thing you can do is contact the doctor and ask for advice. You can contact the doctor and let him/her know that you’re having a problem giving the injections. You can also ask him/her if there are any other ways that you can administer the injections. You can also ask him/her if you can take a short break from the injections. If you’re having a hard time giving the injections, then you should definitely talk to the doctor. He/she can help you figure out what to do.


If you forget to give your child his/her injections, then you may be worried about how this will affect him/her. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to fix this problem. You can make the injections part of your daily routine, write the injections down, record the injections, find a backup plan, or contact the doctor and ask for advice.